
Monday, March 31, 2008


I'm sitting in Oklahoma now, bored and I figured it would be fun to sit here and tap out a few lines about my thoughts. So far this semester I have been working for The Oklahoma Daily, the school newspaper here at OU and I have found myself busier than I care to admit.

I've let a lot of things slip away from me lately, things that are important to me that I just haven't quite been able to find time for. I actually "quit" working at The Daily for the semester a week ago today but I am still writing one more story for this week about what its like to be a pizza delivery boy in the bustling metropolis of Norman, Okla. Hard hitting stuff, I know, but it should be fun. I am planning on doing a ride along with him for an hour or so, just enough to ask my questions and watch him work to write out 15 to 20 inches and send it in to my editors.

Funny thing is that on the same day I "quit," I applied to be editor in chief for the summer edition of the same paper, a job that is tentatively mine, unless someone more qualified (and let's face it, who isn't) comes along. This summer will be interesting, if you can, come on up and visit for awhile.

-Caleb Williams