
Friday, May 25, 2007


I've been thinking lately a lot about politics. I know it seems like a very boring subject to most anybody who would read this but to some people it is profoundly fascinating. More specifically I have been thinking about the politics of Jesus; further, I've been wondering if such a thing can exist.

For the last two years I have been trying to reconcile my political beliefs with my spiritual beliefs and most of what has arisen is pure rubbish (I never get to use that word, it sounds too British).

Is a set of political beliefs oriented solely to God possible? It seems that the American two-party system the answer is emphatically "NO." Obviously, most Evangelicals are registered Republicans, toting the party line of Regan, H.W. and, W. at least the latter two of whom built careers for themselves through the votes of the "Religious Right."

But why is it that people who call themselves Christian seem to be so aligned with the party of Regan? Not that anything was wrong with Regan in particular--I'm not here to argue against one party or for another—but why have Christians (and I’m assuming that the Religious Right is indeed devout, which might be a very dangerous assumption) so aligned themselves with Republicans?

Republicans (in their present form) champion a free market economy. This might sound a little pompous and slightly un-American but the ideal form of government is communism. The early. Church was one of the few times that a true communist government has worked properly (don’t believe me, read Acts). Granted, I do not believe that a truly communist government can work outside of a theocracy but how is the free market the next best thing? I know all of the American answers, social Darwinism in action and all but why is this best?

Republicans also will tend to favor tax cuts which benefit the rich, while Democrats will typically want to increase welfare and social programs throughout the United States. Christ himself said that His followers should be like Him. He promoted clothing the naked, feeding the hungry and, fighting for the poor and for the oppressed. Often these ideals are more commonly associated with the Democratic Party.

So Democrats are largely more socially responsible, advocating increased internal welfare and aid to impoverished counties around the world, some Republicans are in these ranks too do not get me wrong but the idea is more based around the Democrat platform. But Democrats also largely support issues like homosexual marriage and abortion ‘rights.’ I, as a believer in Christ, have a very difficult time swallowing these things. I do not want to get into the thought process on legislating morality (this post is already longer than anyone will read) but how do I reconcile the two?

I do not pretend to believe that the United States is a Christian country, although most Americans claim to be Christian. I do not believe that we are “one nation, under God…” but where do I… we, as Christians, go from here?

-Caleb Williams

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