
Saturday, July 28, 2007

A Good Idea is Hard to Come By

It's funny how long it takes me to update these days. Used to be I could just sit down and start typing and ideas would fill my head and I could just write for the sake of writing. Now, however, I feel like every time I begin to write a post I just can't get past the first couple of sentences. I feel almost as if I have something to prove to the world, which is funny because probably no one reads this.

I was talking about God with a friend of mine over a cup of hot tea not too long ago. Wow, that last sentence had a lot of prepositions! We came to the conclusion that the debate over free-will and predestination is only because Christians can not wrap their heads around the fact that the two are one-and-the-same.

The nitty-gritty is that when one submits to God's will that person's will ceases to exist, this is what we like to call predestination because our actions were predestined by God, but we have sacrificed our free-will to His glory. Free-will is only our ability to disobey, that is to go against the will of God. In essence predestination is the sacrifice of free-will and the adoption of God's will in its place.

Tell me what you think, anyone can comment.

-Caleb Williams

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