
Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rain and the New York Times (or I'm Bored)

I am starting to hate rain. I swear, it has rained almost everyday this summer and before that it rained everyday in Oklahoma while I was still up there. I am just tired of it. Oscar, my dog, hates storms. One day while my parents were moving houses he got left outside in a storm--mind you, at this time he was still a puppy--ever since he has been terrified of thunder storms. If Oscar hears even the faintest thunder clap he is at the door whimpering, jumping and clawing at the door. Don't get me wrong, Beagles are smart animals--they are right up there with politicians, only the dogs lick their own butts while politicians lick each others--but what I'm trying to say is that I'm tired of the rain. At least I have some sunshine, I leave for Norman on Wednesday and I get to see the woman I love!

The New York Times made me mad this morning, too many mistakes in the headline story (which can be found here: ). Somebody buy them a copy of the AP stylebook, then again I guess if you're the New York Times you can do what you want when you want, screw the system.

-Caleb Williams

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